Tag Archives: Paying Attention

Message from the Rose – Building a Strong Foundation

Message from the Rose

Through Autumn Austin

I was speaking to the rose bush about how well she is doing this year and how happy I am that she isn’t struggling like last year. And she said, I wasn’t struggling; I was building my foundations, my root system so that they could support all the beauty I have to share with the world.

She shared that we, you and I, must do our root chakra work now a little differently; as we are evolving our chakra system is evolving and the markers of healthy chakras are evolving. For us to hold the energies, intentions and actions that will change the world, we must make sure our foundation, our root is strong. Our root system will continue to grow as we evolve, as we step more fully into our personal power, we must have a firm foundation, rooted in spiritual principles.

Humility – Remember that the depth is not separate from the surface. Each being in creation is but an individual expression of the Divine. No one is more important, special… than another. Each is necessary, needed and uniquely gifted and guided. The wisdom of your Namaste is often lost; the truth is, I am another you.  The rose asks us to stand in a place of allowing the Divine to flow through us anew in each moment. Surrendering who we thought we were and opening to who we are in each moment. Just as the rose bush surrenders her wilted petals to allow for the next expression of beauty….. Read more at http://thecouncilsoflight.blogspot.com

Ease and Grace?

Ease and Grace?

Sitting outside, connecting with Pacha Mama, on this 60 degree February morning, marveling at the first glimpses of spring starting to peek out. When a crow caught my attention, cawing, as if to say transformation is at hand. My first thought was Great Spirit let it be with ease and grace please!  And I immediately heard… Why don’t you just choose the easier way, just let go and trust.

Wow! Right? What if I just take the next step that is in front of me? Rather than trying to find another way. Or worrying about “what ifs”. Or concerning myself with how that person might feel or what might happen there. What if I /we just trusted; trusted our self, trusted Spirit.

What if the ease and grace comes from our decisions, our choices. Choosing to stay connected, choosing to follow the nudging and synchronicities. Choosing to let go of things that are not good for us, the people, situations, past hurts, resentments…. Maybe the struggle, the suffering, the confusion comes from trying to figure it all out. From the need to “know”.

Today the crow came to say trust; trust that part of you that is divine, that part that is connected to All That Is. With a beginners mind, take the next step presented and trust. Instead of asking for Ease and Grace, let’s give our selves the freedom to live in ease and grace. Isn’t that who we really are?

Much Munay!

Autumn & My Crow Friend

Gentleness and Grace

My attempt at putting my beloved Stag Spirit Animal on paper.
My attempt at putting my beloved Stag Spirit Animal on paper.

Deer Medicine

What magnifican creatures! Deer captures our attention with its beauty and grace. And the mighty stag is a symbol of the heart and is often used to represent the Goddess. When deer comes into our life they remind us to sink deep into who we really are, at our heart… that place of innocence, deep love and grace. They remind us to live in equanimity, in balance. And to spend time in meditation, facing into the depth.

Deer are one of the most adaptable mammals; they live on all but one continent and in every climate. Flexibility, adaptability is at the core of our spiritual path. To find Spirit in each moment we have to be willing to let go of every thing we think we know; to look again with wonder and curiosity. Deer medicine assists us in our ability to go with the flow. Call in Deer is you feel your getting stuck in a rut or struggling with change.

The gentleness, innocence and grace of the deer mystify many. Deer reminds us to offer gentleness and grace to others and ourselves. As we do our personal work, the work of looking within, facing our shadow, embracing our own Divinity; we must approach our selves with gentleness, compassion and grace. This stance allows us to embrace all of ourselves, even our shadow parts. Bringing us more into fullness and freedom.

Antlers are symbolic of antennae; connecting to higher realms and symbolize Higher Wisdom. Reminding us to pay attention to inner feelings, intuitions. Stags shed their antlers  every year; symbolizing new perspectives and gentle growth. The antlers grow from behind the eye, further strengthening the message to pay attention to inner sight.

Our ancestors included deer in their stories and myths to represent new beginnings. Call Deer to help usher in new phases with innocence, gentleness and flexibility.






Remembering Wisdom from the Hawk

A beautiful October day, the leaves are changing colors, it’s the perfect temperature, warm breeze in the air. There is silence everywhere, even amidst all the noise. The water from the sprinkler bringing beautiful birds, chirping joyfully, as they take a quick bath.

I looked up to admire the amazing art work of the creator and in a near by tree was the most beautiful hawk. She was amazing, she looked me in the eye and then flew off. Her wings were stripped at the edges and must have stretched out 4 feet. She didn’t even need to flap, she just seemed to glide though the trees and disappeared.

I caught myself thinking, where’s your nest? I felt her say why do you need to know where my nest is? To which I quiet smirkily replied, so I can connect with you better. She in all her wisdom said “that’s what you’re mind needs, all your soul needs us to connect with me right now to take a deep breath and feel my presence. Feel that there is no separation, only the separation your mind creates. Your mind wants to understand and see and look and have a place to go. Your spirit doesn’t need that.”

So I took a deep breath and connected with that amazing creature. I felt her power, her confidence, her certainty. And perhaps more importantly, I felt the unity. She knows and remembers, always, that she is an intricate part of creation. That she isn’t separate. That the same amazingly powerful creative force that created her, is also in her, actually is her. Just like it is who we really are at our core, beyond all the stories of the mind.

That amazing creature had come to remind me, remind us, that we can stop and take a deep breath, let go of all the thoughts and be right here, right now, in this moment. Leaning into, sensing, looking for that unity, that non-duality. There is no separation. Feel it. Allow yourself to be That.

Right now as I’m writing this and remembering the experience, reliving it, feeling connecting again to that magnificent hawk. Then the thoughts come back. “You can’t write this on your blog. Are you crazy?” And for a moment I lost that unity, that connection. Then I remembered. Oh crazy ego, you really don’t get it do you? Being vulnerable is what makes us human, allows us to have deeper connections. Vulnerability is the cost of Freedom. And isn’t it worth it!!

All we have to do is remembered with our heart. Take a deep breath, again, and connect, feel who we really are.

Much Munay! (Much Love!)
Autumn and Pablo


Perfection; Wisdom from a Confederate Rose

It’s a grey cloudy windy day; threats of the thunder storms and tornadoes, somehow the world seems a little busier, and a little more chaotic. And yet when I came home and I came out to see the most magnificent beautiful pink Confederate Rose. I stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath and just noticing how beautiful it is and all its perfection.

Standing there, in the midst of all this yucky day is perfection; reminding me that there is always, always perfection to be found. Even when things feel hard, when everything is just not quite right, when things are chaotic and changing, when people don’t act right, when we don’t think right, shoot when we don’t act right in the midst of all of that is perfection, everywhere, in each moment. We just take a deep enough breath to be present, to notice the perfection. It’s everywhere. It’s in the beautiful pink Confederate Rose standing up and outstretched in my front yard. It’s in our four-legged friends eyes when we come home from work. It’s in the smile of a little child, full of innocence and joy. It’s in the smell in the wind; the smell that says rain is coming. It’s in the feelings that are evoked by all these beautiful things. It’s in the laughter, it’s in the connections. It’s in the Love. Everywhere we look, no matter what.

Take a deep breath and become fully present. We can see, feel and we can experience the perfection. In fact, we can sense and if we are willing, fully step into that perfection.

I am perfection. You are. We all are, perfection. At the core of who we are, beyond all the stories in our heads, we are that perfection; perfection having a human experience.

And in that humanness, when we forget about the perfection, all we need do is breathe deeply, bring out attention to this moment and look, listen, feel and be the perfection. It’s that simple and yet difficult to master. And isn’t that even perfect?

Now back to my garden. Much Love!

Thought I’d share a pic of the perfect confederate rose.
Looking for a crystal to help you find that inner perfection check out my store. Journey There Wands

Cardinal Wisdom

On this clear, cool, beautiful fall morning, listening to and watching the birds forage for a morning snack. A pair of cardinals honor me with their presence.

Cardinals often bring a big message, one that most of us need to hear, myself included. A message of balance. Balance in our masculine and feminine parts, no matter what sex we are. Balance in work and play. Balance in responsibilities.

Being balanced is one of cardinals greater strengths. Both make and female share the role of incubating the eggs, which is unusual in the bird kingdom. They are always near their mate. And the female sings just as beautifully as her male counterpart. Again unusual.

The cardinals song also reminds us to listen closely. To listen for the messages from spirit in the ordinary moments; for that is where the magic is.

The cardinal stays year round, in it’s home. Reminding us to be flexible, steady and grounded during times of change. As the seasons change, so do we. Cardinal reminds us to sway with the winds of change, like a deeply rooted tree; stay balanced, and listen to the song of spirit.

What an amazing creation we are a part of! So grateful for Pacha Mama for all the splendor she gives us! And to the creator for being so creative! Now off to listen a little more deeply.

Much Munay!
Autumn & Pablo

PS: Malachite is an excellent stone to help with maintaining balance. See Malachite Healing wands at Journey There Wands. 


Wisdom from Serpent on Forgiveness

Outside on this beautiful warm breezy day. Enjoying the beautiful sweet smells of summer. Finally transplanting some cuttings from last year. Deeply connecting with PachaMama, so amazed at feeling of unity with the mother and all of creation. And as I pulled the plant out of its pot, out fell a baby snake. I caught my breath as i studied him, he was beautiful, silvery, maybe 5-6 inches long.

Great Serpent, reminding me to shed the past as he sheds his skin, over and over and over… Sometimes struggling to set himself free, only to continue growing so he can do it again. Holding on to the past keeps us from growing; just as the serpent can’t grow without shedding its skin. Holding on to the past keeps us from being able to see the opportunists right in front of us. Opportunities to grow, to be vulnerable, to truly connect. Opportunities to change the world; right here in our little corner of the world but also by raising our own consciousness we are raising the consciousness of the collective conscious; the part of us that is one with all of creation. Holding on to the past keeps us from being able to see opportunities to mend relationships. It keeps us from finding our passions. Holding on to the past makes us tired, stressed and often physically sick.

The Peruvian Shamans teach that the south direction is the energy of the serpent. A place of shedding our past as the serpent sheds its skin. Other more westernized traditions say the south is the direction of the wounded child. Either way the process is the same, forgiveness. I read a great quote today; “life is much easier if you learn to accept the apology that was never given” R Brault. And he is right! Life does get easier when we forgive.

Remember forgiveness is not something we do for the other, it is something that we give to ourselves; “I will not let what you did keep hurting me over and over”. Forgiveness releases the person doing the forgiving. It does not condone or approve of the behavior, it simply stops the hurt from continuing to live and grow inside us. We can speak our truth, and then we must then be willing to let it go. Have no expectation of what others “should” do… Just let it go. The only thing I have any control over is myself, my choices, my thoughts, my behavior…. Control over how I want to live my life. What I want to transmit to others. How I want others to feel when I am with them or when they think of me.

The Serpent doesn’t look back at his past, rather he sheds his skin, wiggling, working his way free of that which no longer serves him and then taking that opportunity to grow. Just as our past has presented us struggles, hurts and disappointments…Yet when we take an honest look back, we are overwhelmed by gratitude for the plethora of opportunities to grow. These growth opportunities appear, become manifest, when we let go of the past and become fully present. In this moment we can see how all of the struggles of the past have come together to make us this unique expression of the Divine.

Each of those struggles made us who we are today. Some of the greatest teachers in my life have been those that hurt me, because those struggles made me who I am. Hurts can be transformed into amazing gifts that Spirit can use. So Serpent reminds us to set ourselves free. Free from the past, more available for the present, for the opportunities.

One of my favorite stones to wear when I am working to forgive and let go is peridot. Peridot, much like the serpent, teaches that holding onto people and the past is counterproductive. It cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus; allowing higher energies to come through. Here are a couple of peridot mini-wands on my site. Another great stone for forgiveness, especially forgiving the self, is rose quartz. It is called the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It purifies and opens the heart and brings deep healing and love.

A completely different way of forgiving is through visualization or meditation, my wonderful Reiki Teacher and dear sweet friend, Linda Backes has an amazing forgiveness meditation available on her website at www.aradiantlife.com. Her soothing voice and the channeled music will guide you through the steps of forgiveness. Including forgiving yourself, which is an aspect that we so often forget or find difficult.

No matter how you get there, give yourself the gift of forgiveness; allow yourself to feel the freedom that comes from being able to be present in this moment, available for all that life has to offer, available for connection with others and with creation. Freedom to be who you really are.

Much Munay!


This Moment; Is There Really Anything Else?

Watering the hydrangea and taking a moment to unwind, relax, reconnect to Pachamama and to Source. Just as I realize I’m still thinking I see Pablo, my beloved four legged. He is paying attention to something, paying attention with his whole being. He is listening intently; to the rustle of leaves in the woods as the deer make their nightly run to the watering whole, to the laughter of little children down the street, to the birds singing goodnight to the sun, to the beginning chorus of chirps and croaks. He is paying attention completely to how things smell, which way the wind is blowing, how the lightning bugs start showing up here and there. He is completely aware of the chirps of his arch nemesis the squirrel, the sound of the cardinals wings as he flies over head.

I realize that is what being completely present, in the moment, is. Pablo is always right here in this moment, sensing into the moment with all of his being. And thanks to Pablo, for that moment so was I.

I can’t help but wonder now as I’m typing this… How much are we, you and I, really missing all the time, everyday? We are all looking for those “once in a lifetime” moments. But what if every moment is one of those, awe inspiring, attuned with all of creation moments? What if we allowed ourselves to see the true, good and beautiful in each moment? To pay attention with our whole being?

I’m going back right now as I’m sure the chorus of chirps and croaks is in full swing, and I don’t want to miss another second. Take your moments today, remember who you really are and why you are really here and listen to creation sing in celebration.IMG_0244

Pablo and his favorite kitty BG.