This Moment; Is There Really Anything Else?

Watering the hydrangea and taking a moment to unwind, relax, reconnect to Pachamama and to Source. Just as I realize I’m still thinking I see Pablo, my beloved four legged. He is paying attention to something, paying attention with his whole being. He is listening intently; to the rustle of leaves in the woods as the deer make their nightly run to the watering whole, to the laughter of little children down the street, to the birds singing goodnight to the sun, to the beginning chorus of chirps and croaks. He is paying attention completely to how things smell, which way the wind is blowing, how the lightning bugs start showing up here and there. He is completely aware of the chirps of his arch nemesis the squirrel, the sound of the cardinals wings as he flies over head.

I realize that is what being completely present, in the moment, is. Pablo is always right here in this moment, sensing into the moment with all of his being. And thanks to Pablo, for that moment so was I.

I can’t help but wonder now as I’m typing this… How much are we, you and I, really missing all the time, everyday? We are all looking for those “once in a lifetime” moments. But what if every moment is one of those, awe inspiring, attuned with all of creation moments? What if we allowed ourselves to see the true, good and beautiful in each moment? To pay attention with our whole being?

I’m going back right now as I’m sure the chorus of chirps and croaks is in full swing, and I don’t want to miss another second. Take your moments today, remember who you really are and why you are really here and listen to creation sing in celebration.IMG_0244

Pablo and his favorite kitty BG. 

Four Legged Wisdom; Lessons for Living

Going outside with a cup of coffee. Needing to ground, to let go… To connect to Pachamama, the mother. To creation. To the powerful deeply rooted trees, that are just starting to show the tiniest bud, the promise of things to come. To Inti TiTi, the beautiful sun, as it turns the sky pink and purple, bidding farewell unti tomorrow. To the birds that are busy scurrying and singing the songs of spring. To all the four legged creatures that are enlivened, inspired by that same promise of new life. Feeling so grateful and grounded; at peace…

And charging around the corner comes, Pablo, my beloved four legged, chasing his arch nemesis (nemeses in plural?) the squirrel. And the thought came to me. What if we all lived life like Pablo?

What if we loved with our whole heart, our whole being? Never holding a grudge. Never letting a bad day get in our way.

What if we chased the most important thing (or the squirrel) with everything we have, with every drop of love in our soul?  What if we have a whole hearted intention to transform; ourselves and as a drop in the ocean, the world and we never stop chasing that, no matter how many times we miss the mark?

What if we take risks, (like trying to follow the squirrel up the tree or speaking vulnerably and authentically from the deepest part of ourselves) knowing that our growth will come from those risks. Knowing that to truly Become,  we must risk being vulnerable, transparent, authentic…

What if we begin every moment with complete and utter belief that any thing is possible?  Leaving behind all of the limitations we think we already know? Using every “failure” or miss step as information to improve, to grow, to transform?

What if we always share our love, attention, affection with those we love? Always, no matter what. Because we know that we live in them even more than we can imagine.

What if we listen with our whole being? What if we smell every smell as if it is important? What if we could be, right here, right now, completely? What would we see? What would we sense? What would we know?

And what if we never held on to hurt feelings? Or anger? What if we live in constant resolution? Always clearing up any tension or misunderstanding?

And then when it’s time to rest. What if we really rested. Completely let go of all the cares of the day and sank into being? Just being. Knowing that we need rejuvenation, renewal, stillness; to be fully ready to do it all again tomorrow.

We are told that we, humans, are higher beings, we posses the ability to reason, create, communicate… And those are absolutely wonderful things! But what if we join our gifts with these practices that are mistakingly called “lower”. What if we whole heartedly live into what my teacher, Craig Hamilton calls “Principles of Evolutionary Culture”  but Pablo calls living, being? How would the world change? How would our corner of the world be different? How would we impact the people we love, everyone we meet? And beyond our little corner, could all of creation be changed? Could we, you and I, begin to bring Higher Consciousness into the world? Could we begin to bring Heaven to Earth? Could we be a catalyst in the next phase of Human Evolution?

As I sense into these questions, something arises in me that feels like a big Yes! Yes we could, yes we can change our lives! Yes we can live beyond limitations! Yes, we can change the world, as we change ourselves!

That is our mission, that is our purpose here, to allow Higher Consciousness to guide us, to shine through, to touch others. And if I, if We, chase that belief with everything we have, just like Pablo chases the squirrel, we can make the world a better place. I’m stating my intention firmly there.  Will you join me?

With love,

Autumn & Pablo


Pablo; resting…. Isn’t he cute?

Lessons for Living